Essex Boat Transport
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Nationwide Small Craft Haulage
At Essex Boat Transport we have a 30′ specially built trailer and can transport up to 2.5 tonne vessels throughout the UK.
New for 2023 we now have a new and larger Dutch built trailer that can carry larger and heavyer boats up tp 3 tonnes and 30′ in length. The trailer has a Swan neck and 5th wheel.
We can carry Yachts with a single keel or bilge keel and motorboats.
The truck has air suspension for a smoother ride.
If you have your own trailer we can haul that if you prefer.
Boat Transportation Terms And Conditions
We are fully insured.
Going back in the water at Gosport
Customers boat being loaded
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Anodes Directs Essex Boat Transport Google review
For enquires please fill in the form below, or call us on 01621 743540
Essex Boat Transport
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